
William Shakespeare:

William Shakespeare was the greatest writer of the era. He was best known for his plays, in fact published the first play. He was also an actor and a poet, Shakespeare wrote all kinds of plays when he was alive. Some of the most greatest tragedies are/were: Hamlet, MacBeth, and Romeo and Juliet. 

Miguel de Cervantes: 
Miguel de Cervantes was born in 1547. He wrote many plays including works of fiction. One of them being  Novelas ejemplares in 1613

Niccolo Machiavelli:
 Niccolo Machiavelli was a diplomat who lived in Florence. He wrote The Prince in 1513. He claimed that people were self-centered and greedy and that rulers should not try to be good. He thought that Rather they should just do whatever they feel is necessary to protect their city and keep power. 

Francesco Petrarch:
Francesco was a poet and a scholar, he lived in the 1300s who was called the father of Italian Renaissance. He studied Roman writers. For example, he studied Cicero. He also wrote biographies of famous Romans. He encouraged the people of Europe to search for Latin manuscripts in monasteries all over Europe. All of the time and effort payed off which caused new libraries to form which gave the documents a good place to stay.  

Dante Alighieri:
Dante Alighieri is a poet of Florence, he wrote one of the worlds greatest poems in the vernacular. The poem was called The Divine Comedy, it told a gripping tale of the main characters journey from hell to heaven.

Geoffrey Chaucer:
Geoffrey was another important writer who used the vernacular. He wrote in english and he wrote a famous book called The Canterbury Tales.